Monday, February 9, 2015

Word 2010: Create Your Own New Multilevel Headings

There are times you wish to create your own multilevel headings such as the Appendix. Example content of document:

1. Level 1 Heading
1.1 Level 2 Heading
1.1.1 Level 3 Heading

2. Level 1 Heading
2.1 Level 2 Heading
2.1.1 Level 3 Heading
2.2 Level 2 Heading
2.2.1 Level 3 Heading
2.2.2 Level 3 Heading
10 Level 1 Heading
10.1 Level 2 Heading
10.2 Level 2 Heading

Appendix A - Level 1 Appendix Heading
A.1 Level 2 Appendix Heading
A.1.1 Level 3 Appendix Heading

Appendix B - Level 1 Appendix Heading
B.1 Level 2 Appendix Heading
B.1.1 Level 3 Appendix Heading

If you happen to read online reference that says you have to make use of the built-in Headings (i.e. Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3,.... Heading 9) in order to benefit the magic properties of multilevel headings and that they do not work well in Appendix, that is not entirely correct.

While there is no harm assigning Heading 1 through Heading 5 for the main body and Heading 6 to Heading 9 for the Appendix. You can actually define an entirely new set of multilevel headings of your own without affecting the built-in headings.

Here's How:

Firstly, start by create a few new paragraph styles for the appendix headings. For example, if you have 3 levels of appendix headings, create 3 new styles and name them as follows:

Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3

When creating these styles, choose "Linked (paragraph and character)" for Style Type, and "(no style)" for Style Based On. Choose the correct Outline Level for the paragraph settings.  Configure your favorite fonts, size, colour, etc. Leave the numbering format alone for the moment.

Then, select the text in the document where you wish to assign the heading, Appendix 1. Assign it.

Next, change the numbering format as follows:

Click on the multilevel heading as shown above. This is where you get the multilevel heading features.

The selected text will change to as follow:

Not to worry, as this is the default multilevel heading numbering format.

Then, click on "Define New Multilevel List...". The following will be shown:

Click on the level you wish to modify. In this case, Level 1.

Click on level 1,
  Link Level to style: "Appendix 1"
  Number style for this level: Choose A, B, C,...

Click on level 2,
  Link Level to style: "Appendix 2"
  Number style for this level: 1,2,3...

Click on level 3, Link Level to style: "Appendix 3"
Click on level 4, Link Level to style: "(no style)"
Click on level 5, Link Level to style: "(no style)"
Click on level 9, Link Level to style: "(no style)"

The final result will be as follow:

Click OK. It is done. Now you can make use of the Appendix headings you have just created. The built-in Headings 1 to 9 will still work. Enjoy!

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